
Love For Art

From a young age, I have always loved art. I find it interesting that art, to most people, refers only to painting, drawings, sculptures, and the like. I agree those are art forms, but what makes us different from a monkey kicking over a bucket of paint? Art can be many things, in my opinion, from movies, stage plays, music, literature, raw emotions, puzzles, and even cooking.

Recently Tony and I went to an art Galla where we saw countless art pieces. I could physically feel the passion, hard work, and dedication it took to make each piece. It really made me think about what art meant to me, or if I could even express the emotion it brought out. But by the end of the night, I had a few words that perfectly describe art to me.

Love for the craft. Even in my least favorite novels, paintings, dances, and songs, I can feel their heart and soul being put into the work. It's almost like they're putting a part of themself into the work. That feeling I get comes even when someone purposely attempts to make something undesirable, like a line on a piece of scratch paper or a dance with zero rhythm. I think passion is art, and that's what makes us different from a monkey kicking over a bucket of paint.